Add or Edit Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

Here you will know How to Add Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar or How to Edit, change, or customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar.


This post is all about Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar. Here you will know How to Add Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar or How to Edit, change, or customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar. Read this carefully.

An internet cookie is a small piece of knowledge that’s sent from a site you’re browsing to the online browser you’re using. whenever you load the site, the browser sends the cookie back to the server with information about your activity. Most websites you visit will use cookies so as to enhance your user experience by enabling that website to recollect you and your preferences.

How to see the notification bar outside the EU?

If you’re employing a Blogspot subdomain then you’ll see the notification bar by changing the country code. for instance – rather than your domain ending in change it to or you’re employing a custom domain on Blogger (like a .com or .xyz), you’ll try an internet proxy like VPN to ascertain your blog employing a server in Europe.

How to Hide/Disable the EU Cookies Notice

It’s a law that this message is shown! If you’re already showing a Cookie Notification and you would like to cover the Blogger Cookie Notification you’ll add a brief script to your template.
1. Go to Template

2. Edit HTML and find <head>

3. Place the subsequent script below <head>

<script type="text/javascript">
  cookieChoices = {};


4. Save your template.

To customize the text shown within the notification, follow these steps
1. Go to Template

2. Edit HTML and find <head>

3. Place the subsequent script below <head>

<!— Custom EU Cookies Notice -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  cookieOptions = {
    msg: "This site uses cookies to deliver its services, to personalise ads and to analyse traffic. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies.",
    link: "",
    close: "Okay!",
    learn: "Learn More" };

<!— Custom EU Cookies Notice -->

4. Edit the values above (the text in between quotes of msg, close, link, learn)5. Save your template.

You may want to customize the notification bar in order to better match your blog design or don’t conflict together with your design.
1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and find ]]>

2. Edit HTML and find ]]>

3. Add the subsequent code just Above ]]>

.cookie-choices-info { /* Add your styles here to change overall wrapper design */ }

.cookie-choices-info .cookie-choices-text{ /* Add your styles here to change text styles */ }

.cookie-choices-info .cookie-choices-button { /* Add your styles here to change button styles */ }

.cookie-choices-info #cookieChoiceDismiss { /* Add your styles here to change dismiss button styles */ }

How to move the EU Cookies Notice to the bottom of the screen

To add the notice just bottom of your site, follow these steps

1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and find ]]>

2. Edit HTML and find ]]>

3. Add the subsequent code just Above ]]>

.cookie-choices-info {position: fixed; top: auto !important; bottom: 0px !important;}

If you think this article How to Add or Edit Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar can help someone then please share it.
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    Здравствуйте. Предлагаю вам качественные массовые рассылки: через мессенджеры (WhatsApp и другие), по личным сообщениям в социальных сетях, через электронную почту (e-mail рассылка), через формы обратной связи на сайтах. Сперва я произвожу анализ деятельности обратившегося ко мне человека, затем собираю базы целевой аудитории под его бизнес и затем произвожу по ней наиболее подходящие рассылки. Я работаю качественно, рассылка всегда производится лишь по тем адресатам, кто с максимальной долей вероятности заинтересован вашими товарами или услугами.

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